One truck, 2 tools !

Place gravels and concrete with the same truck.

With the combination of the Double telescopic 57 feet Rotabelt conveyor and the Baylynx Spreader, use your truck for gravels and concrete!!!

You will use your Rotabelt conveyor and the Bay-lynx Ultralite to place gravels, and then mixers will dump onto your Rotabelt conveyor to place concrete.

Technical features :

  • ROTABELT conveyor : the longest conveyor in range TD16.5 
  • Bay-Lynx Ultralite UL20 spreader : With Baylynx Spreaders, effectively spreads sand, stone, granular aggregates, topsoil, mulch blends and other organic materials! 


  • Quick and precise placement of material up to 120′ from back of truck
  • Patented load suspension beam allows for consistent and steady flow of materials
  • Reduces labour costs
  • Prevents broken / damaged foundations and mechanical/plumbing services
  • Reduces waste and contamination associated with onsite stockpiles& handling material with skid steers, excavators, etc.


  • Foundations / basements drainage & sub floors
  • Residential / commercial construction
  • Utility trench and petroleum tank backfill
  • Daylighting operations
  • Slab on grade construction
  • Blast hole stemming
  • Environmental remediation
  • Erosion control


Engineered, designed and modeled using Baylynx highest quality of standard that you have come to expect with all Bay-lynx products.

The aluminum extruded vertical panels are 2″ thick side panels engineered to lock together they are then fully welded to create a strong and rigid construction.

The smooth highly polished panels give a great look while the intergrated dual drive conveyor system ensures a seamless high speed unloading, by means of Bay-lynx patented load Suspension beam.

To see more about Bay-lynx spreaders :